Area rugs are a reflection of your personal style and taste. They add that final touch of warmth and color to any room. They also represent a sizeable investment and require protection from heavy foot traffic & staining.

Keep your rugs looking fresh and attractive by calling SaniTECH to have them regularly cleaned!

Our in plant facility is fully equipped to provide specialized care and attention for all types of area rugs. This facility is staffed with technicians who are experts in identifying, cleaning and repairing areas. Whether you have a fine hand-woven heirloom, or a funky contemporary piece, your special carpet will be carefully cleaned to remove any dirt, stain or odors.

Our cleaning process takes on average 5-7 days to complete. The products we use are safe and leave no residue on your rugs. Our cleaning process begins with the use of the Rug Badger line of cleaning equipment. This device vibrates the back of your rug to remove all the fine insoluble soil, dust, allergens from deep within the fibers. We repeat this procedure several times to ensure that your area rugs are restored back to a healthy state.

Next, we test for dye stability and shrinkage before we proceed to the next stage of our cleaning process. The results of these tests allow us to custom match your rugs construction and fiber type to the safest and most effective cleaning methods. Every rug requires special attention, with demands that are specific in nature and relative to each piece. We are trained to handle every type of fiber and construction and use the appropriate method of cleaning. Your rug is cleaned several times, and allowed to dry before we repeat the process. Our final clean helps to bring out the sheen of your area rug.

SaniTECH can also perform a wide range of area rug repairs including: fringe repair and replacement, authentic weave repairs and binding repair or replacement.

We stand behind all our work with our No Risk - 200% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.

For more information about our services, please visit our website at Sani-Tech now!

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